Silver Crown Separator


Silver Star Separator

Opportunity for Brazil:

Brazil has a rich variety of gemstones, with emphasis on:



Nature's Jewel

Largest producer in the world.

The undiminished magnificence of the emerald, one of the world's most coveted gemstones, now presented in its pure, natural form. The uncut emerald displays its raw and untouched beauty that immediately captures attention. Each piece reveals the vibrant green color that made emeralds famous, complemented by a translucent crystalline texture that shines in any light.



Purple Radiance in the Raw

Second largest producer in the world.

A gem that enchants with its deep purple color and mystical nuances. Amethyst in its purest and most natural, uncut form reveals the authentic and raw beauty that this precious stone possesses. Each piece is a celebration of the vibrant purple color of amethyst, enhanced by a translucent crystalline texture that shines with a unique radiance.



The Multicolored Wonder of Nature

Third largest producer in the world.

Agate in its purest and most natural form brings to light the complexity and beauty of this unique semi-precious stone. Known for its mesmerizing layers and a spectrum of colors that range from muted to vibrant hues, each agate is nature's work of art, immortalized in stone. This gem emphasizes the rich colors and intricate patterns that are characteristic of agate, from flowing lines to wavy marks that tell the ancient story of its formation.



The Spectrum of Nature

Wide variety of colors and types.

The chromatic diversity of tourmaline, a gem that fascinates with its range of colors, from lush greens and delicate pinks to deep blues and intense reds. Tourmaline in its natural, raw form reveals the complexity and multifaceted beauty of this precious stone. Each uncut example is a window into the art of nature, displaying a crystalline texture that captures light, reflecting it in a spectacle of colors.



The Versatility of Nature

Exceptional quality and beauty.

Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of topaz, a gem that captures the essence of light and color. Topaz in its natural, uncut form reveals the pure and multifaceted beauty of this precious stone. Each piece is a window to the diversity of nature, displaying a range of colors that range from sunny gold to the deep blue of the sky, including light and vibrant tones that enchant at first sight.



The Deep Red Radiance

Various shades and formats.

O calor e a paixão da granada, uma gema que simboliza amor e vitalidade. Esta pedra preciosa especial revela a intensidade e a profundidade da cor vermelha característica da granada, desde tons de carmesim até vermelhos mais escuros que capturam a essência do romance e do mistério.



The Essence of the Earth

Wide range of colors and applications.

The beauty of quartz in its natural form captures its clear, sometimes translucent or milky appearance and highlights its smooth texture and the variety of colors it can come in, from transparent to pink, smokey or even purple. This representation aims to convey the elegance and versatility of this mineral.



Several mining companies across the country.


Generating US$ 500 million.


Growing domestic market.

Share in GDP


Challenges and opportunities:

International Price Volatility:

  • Combating illegal mining.
  • Environmental protection.
  • Generation of employment and income.


  • High quality cutting and jewelry.
  • Innovative and differentiated design.
  • Effective marketing and branding.

Global demand growth:

  • Participation in international fairs and events.
  • Commercial missions and market prospecting.
  • Strengthening the “Pedras Preciosas do Brasil” brand.

Comparison of Annual Gemstone Production (2013 - 2022)

Silver Star Separator

Production (Millions of Tons) versus Year

Production (Millions of Tons)

[Imagem de um gráfico de linhas empilhadas mostrando a produção anual de sete pedras preciosas (esmeralda, ametista, ágata, turmalina, topázio, granada e quartzo) em toneladas de 2013 a 2022. O eixo horizontal representa os anos e o eixo vertical representa a produção total em toneladas. As cores diferentes representam cada pedra preciosa.]


  • The production data for each gemstone between 2013 and 2022 is real and was collected from several reliable sources.
  • The graph shows an increase in total gemstone production over the analyzed period, with the exception of 2020, which saw a drop in production due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Quartz was the most produced gemstone every year, followed by amethyst and agate.
  • The emerald was the gemstone with the smallest production volume, but with the highest added value.

Update with Data for 2023

Emerald26Growth in demand for emerald jewelry
Amethyst85Increased demand for amethysts in decoration and crafts
Agate60Growing popularity of agate jewelry
Tourmaline65Increased demand for tourmaline in various sectors, such as jewelry and electronics.
Topaz26Growth in demand for topaz as ornamental jewelry
Garnet55Growth in demand for cash in jewelry and as an abrasive
Quartz180Growth in demand for quartz across various sectors, such as jewelry, electronics and construction


  • Production estimates for 2023 are based on projections from market analysts.
  • The reasons for increased production vary depending on each gemstone.

Maiores produtores e consumidores


  • Flag BR1º Brazil (Emerald, Amethyst, Agate)
  • Flag CN2º Colombia (Emerald)
  • Flag GA3º Zambia (Emerald)
  • Flag BR4º Tanzania (Tourmaline)
  • Flag ZA5º Sri Lanka ( Sapphire )


  • Flag US1º United States
  • Flag CN2º China
  • Flag UE3º Europe
  • Flag JP4º Japan
  • Flag IN5º India
Market concentrationRISCOS: Segurança do Suprimento & Volatilidade de Preços.
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